Setting up Project Management Dashboard in Power Apps

Need For Project Management Dashboard

Project Management Dashboards provide metrics about the status of the assigned projects. PMD (Project Management Dashboards) show information about the project, including time required, resources allocated and financial cost. Most companies work on multiple projects at the same time, and it is necessary for them to have at least a basic Project Management Dashboard. Most of these dashboards are built using custom code. In this blog we will go through all the important steps of building a basic Project Management Dashboard using Power Apps. To achieve this, we will depend heavily on cascading dropdowns. 

Steps To Follow To Build A Project Management Dashboard

For this blog we will assume that “Contoso” is a software company and its expertise is in the following practices: 

  • SharePoint 
  • AI
  • Power BI 
  1. Each practice can have multiple clients underneath it.
  2. Each client can have multiple projects signed with the software company. 
  3. Each project can have single or multiple resources working on it. 

1)  To start the process, we will need to create a SharePoint list named “Contoso Project Management List” with the following columns:

this image shows the To start the process, we will need to create a SharePoint list named “Contoso Project Management List”
  • Practice”: It is a text value, and it will contain the Practices, in this scenario “SharePoint, AI or Power BI”
  • Client”: It will contain the Clients for any specific above-mentioned Practice.
  • Project Task”: It is a text value, and it will contain the Projects for any specific Client.
  • ProjectTaskAssignedTo”: It will contain the names of the people/ resources  working on the task.
  • “CommentsAndTasks”: It will contain the comments and tasks for a particular resource. 

 Arrange Data in the SharePoint list in the following format: 

this image show the Comments and Tasks - Setting Up Project Management Dashboard In PowerApps
this image show the PowerBI(Practice) - Setting Up Project Management Dashboard In PowerApps

This data should be arranged in the following format in the list, as shown in the figure below.

this image shows the contoso project managment list - Setting Up Project Management Dashboard In PowerApps

2)  To create Power Appsfirst visit the link From the given options, select “Canvas app from blank”

this image shows the Building business apps - fast
The image shows the create app from blank - Setting Up Project Management Dashboard In PowerApps

3) Create a Power Apps with this UI/UX.

This image show the contoso project managment portal - Setting Up Project Management Dashboard In PowerApps

The four dropdowns should be named Dropdown1, Dropdown2, Dropdown3 and Dropdown4. 

4) These four dropdowns should be cascading and dependent upon the previous dropdown. 
After choosing the Practice, the relevant Project, the relevant Project Task and then the resources associated with that Project should be chosen respectively 

5) In the “Items” property of “Dropdown1” enter this code. 

this image shows the property of “Dropdown1”

Distinct(‘Contoso Project Management List’,Practice) 

This code is bringing the Distinct “Practice” column values from the ‘Contoso Project Management List’ list and showing them in the dropdown. 

6) In the “Items” property of “Dropdown2” enter this code. 

Distinct(Filter(‘Contoso Project Management List’, Practice = Dropdown1.Selected.Result),Client) 
This code is similar to the first, except that the dropdown values are now dependent upon “Dropdown1” 
and the  “Filter” is used to achieve this result.  
7) In the “Items” property of “Dropdown3” enter this code. 

Distinct(Filter(‘Contoso Project Management List’, Practice = Dropdown1.Selected.Result && Client=Dropdown2.Selected.Result),’Project Task’) 
The dropdown values in dropdown 3 are now dependent upon “Dropdown1” 
and “Dropdown2” both.

8) In the “Items” property of “Dropdown4” enter this code. 

Distinct(Filter(‘Contoso Project Management List’, Practice = Dropdown1.Selected.Result && Client=Dropdown2.Selected.Result && ‘Project Task’=Dropdown3.Selected.Result),ProjectTaskAssignedTo) 

The dropdown values in dropdown4 are now dependent upon the First three dropdowns. 

this image shows the contoso project managment portal

The dropdowns are now following the same hierarchy as was shown in Step1. 

9) By adding the following code in the textbox, you can easily add comments and tasks for any particular resource related to the assigned task. 

this images shows the tree view

10)  To patch the comment to a user, add the following code in the “Submit Task” button. See the figure for reference.

this image shows the Comment And Tasks
This image shows the contoso project managment portal - apollo technologies
this image shows the contoso project managment list

As you can see the comments can be submitted and retrieved from Power Apps for the resources assigned to the Project. 

Read more about Embedding Power BI Dashboard/Report In Power Apps Portal

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A project management dashboard might seem simple, but it is one of the most useful tools of project management. PMDs are used to increase collaboration, track allocated budget, handle time constraints and workload. As of now most of the PMD’s are custom built. With Power Apps, OOB features can be used to build the required functionality, in a much shorter time.

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