BOLDDocument Generator enables customers to generate and send complex proposals and client presentable documents on a single click. BOLDDocument generator saves hours spent every day to create and send proposal to customers. It provides a rule based engine that allows for dynamic text to be embedded in proposal templates at any position based on rules. If your team spends hours adding information to Dynamics 365 and then they have to spend all the effort again to create proposals, then BOLDDocument Generator is what you need.

Configure any entity in minutes to enable BOLDDocument Generator
Rule Engine
Build rules to merge text anywhere in the template
BOLD Documents
Design amazing looking documents and fill in content to your liking
Cost Saving
Reduce hundreds of man-hours to nothing
Related Entities
BOLDDocument generator supports data from related entities
Send Proposals From Dynamics 365
Are you asking your sales team to re-enter all the data they entered against opportunities in Dynamics 365 in their sales proposal documents? Are you asking your proposal team to format your documents with every proposal? Are you writing custom emails and attaching your proposals after converting to PDF manually?
If your answer to any of these questions is in the affirmative then you need BOLDDocument generator configured for your organization. I hope you don’t continue to spend hours creating these documents manually because that affects your organization’s success. User adoption is the biggest cause for the failure of CRM implementation and sales team questions any system that increases their time to document and reduces the time they spend on selling. You can change all that today. All you need to do now is join BOLDCommunity and let us configure our BOLDSolutions to fix your problems.
Get in touch to configure and setup BOLDDocument Generator service.